BEIJING – RumahMilennilas.com | On the occasion of welcoming Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun (Called Mr. Joe) in Beijing, on May 15, 2018 was held at Wisma Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Beijing.
The event was attended by several community leaders, businessmen, rock climbing teams that won several medals, and students of the Indonesian Student Association of China (PPIT). In his speech, Mr. Joe submitted bilateral cooperation plans which he will do as Ambassador of Indonesia. One of the bilateral cooperation relationships that will be built is in the field of trade.
Indonesian products will be exported to China such as Sarang Burung Walet, Coffee, UKM, and Indonesian-owned industry, all of which are targeted to enter the Chinese market. Thus, Indonesian products will continue to grow and expand.
” What is nothing in China, but there in Indonesia, we try to get into China ”. Hes said. Like tropical fruits, the demand is very high in China. This is a great opportunity for Indonesia. Provided that our products are well packed and attractive.
Not only in the field of trade, Mr. Joe will also build a relationship center bank Indonesia and center Chinese banks, as well as cooperation in the field of currency strengthening.
He believe this bilateral relationship will be a very positive thing for Indonesia to achieve the targets in the government, “he said.
The reception continued with a photo session together and then a dinner together and a light discussion with fellow who attended the event. (Dore)
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