RumahMillennials.com | Helga Angelina (Founder & CEO BURGREENS) – Social entrepreneur passionate about health, wellness, environment, spirituality, and community building. She started Burgreens – Jakarta’s first organic healthy fast food with a social mission – back in 2013.
They’d like to promote conscious eating; and practice ethical business through responsible sourcing directly to local organic farmers & provide plant-based meals which is ethical for animals & more environmentally sustainable.
What started as a small restaurant run by 2 passionate founders has now grown to a team of 70 people with 4 F&B outlets and growing. Aside from running her BURGREENS – She work closely with fellow impact businesses, NGOs, and communities to raise awareness about healthy, ethical, and sustainable living among urbanites and grow the ecosystem of social impact enterprises and conscious customers.
Welcome @HelgaAngelina!
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