Kang Goris Mustaqim @goris_mustaqim born in Garut, Indonesia, 28 years ago. He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2006, majoring in Civil Engineering. He was creator and co-founder of ITB Enterpreneurship Challenge (IEC) 5 years ago. IEC had brought thousand of student to become an entrepreneur; it is Indonesia’s leading student’s Business Plan Competition now. Last IEC this year was the biggest competition with more than 700 teams participated and had televised by National TV.
He founded of PT Resultan Nusantara, IT Company based which deliver automation solutions using RFID since 2007. Meanwhile he is also active as President and founder of ASGAR MUDA Foundation, youth organization concerns on Community Development as well as Youth Entrepreneurship in his hometown.
He was awarded as British Council’s Community Entrepreneur in 2009 for helping young people turn business ideas into workable plans. He was also nominated as Asia’s Best Young Entrepreneur in 2009 by Business Week Magazine, XL Indonesia Berprestasi 2009, and Gatra People of the Year in 2010. He had attended various International events since the year of 2000; his best experience might be when he talked to President Obama during Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship in Washington DC last April when he served as one of youngest panelist on “Catalyzing Youth Entrepreneurship” session. #Millennials #Indonesia #StandUpMillennials #Youth ??
Comments (3)
Rum Alysays:
May 30, 2017 at 1:51 amSaya hanya ingn mengetahui alamat, atau nomor kontak atau e-mail dari Goris Mustaqim, bila mungkin.
Rum Alysays:
May 30, 2017 at 1:53 amSorry, email adress saya: rum_aly_x@yahoo.com
Emir Sanafsays:
June 4, 2017 at 6:42 pmSaya satu almamater dgn ananda Goris, angkatan 1971. Makanya saya sebut ananda.
Saya ingin berbagi pengalaman dalam mengajak masyarakat berbagi lahan membangun perkebunan kelapa sawit di Sumsel. Mimpi saya ingin menerapkan pola yang sama di Garut Selatan untuk komoditas singkong atau tebu.
Mudah2an bermanfaat.