Dea Salsabila Amira

Dea Amira @deasalsa graduated with BA in Economics from Mercu Buana University. Dea is the founder of non-for-profit youth organization “Uniting As One”, aiming to provide primary education for vulnerable…

Mengagumkan! Perusahaan ini mencetak rumah dengan teknologi 3D print dalam waktu 24 jam! | Kita mulai mengimplementasikan teknologi printing 3D pada hampir segala hal. Semenjak ditemukannya teknologi printing 3D oleh Chuck Hull pada tahun 1983, telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat sampai…

FYI: Beasiswa kuliah S2 & S3 di Australia

Australia Award provides education opportunities to competence Cambodia candidates to pursue postgraduate level in order to be priceless part of Cambodia’s human resource development. There are a few steps that…